bot-infoShows some information about John-Bot./bot-info
user avatarShows a user's avatar./user avatar [user]
user bannerShows a user's banner./user banner [user]
user infoShows some information about a user./user info [user]
server iconShows the server's icon./server icon
server bannerShows the server banner./server banner
server infoShows some information about the server./server info
server membersShows some information about members of the server./server members
role infoShows some information about a role./role info <role>
role colorShows the color of a role./role color <role>
channel-infoShows some information about a channel./channel-info [channel]
pingShows John-Bot's latency time./ping
statusShows status of John-Bot's clusters./status
uptimeShows how long John-Bot has been operational./uptime
colorShows some information about a color./color <color>
banBans a user from the server./ban <user> [reason] [duration] [delete_messages] [alert] [note]
clearDeletes an amount of messages in a channel./clear <amount> [user] [query]
kickKicks a member from the server./kick <member> [reason] [alert] [note]
lockLocks a channel of the server./lock [channel]
muteMute a member during a specific time./mute <member> <duration> [reason] [alert] [note]
nicknameChange the nickname of a server member./nickname <member> <nickname> [reason]
slowmode disableDisable the slowmode of a channel./slowmode disable [channel] [reason]
slowmode setSets the slowmode of a channel./slowmode set <duration> [channel] [reason]
unbanRevokes the ban of a user./unban <user> [reason]
unlockUnlocks a channel of the server./unlock [channel]
unmuteUnmute a member./unmute <member> [reason]
warnWarns a member of the server./warn <member> [reason] [alert] [note]
warnings clearRemoves warnings from a member or all members of the server./warnings clear [member]
warnings listShows a list of a member's warnings./warnings list [member]
warnings removeRemoves a member's warning./warnings remove <member> <warn_id>
ticket addAdds a member to the ticket./ticket add <member>
ticket claimAssigns a member of the support team to handle the ticket./ticket claim
ticket closeClose the ticket./ticket close [channel]
ticket close-requestRequests ticket closure./ticket close-request [reason]
ticket createCreate a ticket./ticket create <panel>
ticket deleteDeletes a closed ticket./ticket delete [channel] [reason]
ticket openOpens a closed ticket./ticket open [channel]
ticket removeRemove a member from the ticket./ticket remove <member>
ticket renameRename the ticket./ticket rename <name>
ticket transferTransfer ticket assignment to another member of the support team./ticket transfer <member>
ticket unclaimRemoves the ticket assignment from the handler./ticket unclaim
leaderboardShows the level leaderboard of all members./leaderboard
rankShows your or a member's rank./rank [member]
levelShows your or a member's rank./level [member]
xp addAdds XP to a member./xp add <member> <level|xp>
xp removeRemove XP from a member./xp remove <member> <level|xp>
xp importImports level's data from others bots./import <bot> [min_level]
xp resetReset the level data of a member or all members of the server./xp reset [member]
xp userShows a member's total XP and his level./xp user [member]
rewardsShows the list of rewards that can be unlocked with the leveling system./rewards
giveaway createStart a giveaway./giveaway create <duration> <winners> <prize> [channel]
giveaway deleteDeletes a giveaway./giveaway delete <giveaway_id>
giveaway endEnds a giveaway./giveaway end <giveaway_id>
giveaway listShows the giveaways list of the server./giveaway list
giveaway rerollChoose new winners for a giveaway./giveaway reroll <giveaway_id> [winners]
emoji addAdds an emoji to the server./emoji add <name> <emoji|image>
emoji deleteDeletes an emoji from the server./emoji delete <emoji>
emoji imageShows an emoji as an image./emoji image <emoji>
emoji mixCombine two emojis to make only one./emoji mix <emoji_1> <emoji_2>
helpShows John-Bot's help page./help [category]
inviteShows John-Bot's invitation./invite
pollCreate a poll./poll <question> [choice_1], [...], [choice_20]
premiumShows the premium status of the server and allows enabling it./premium
reminder addSets a reminder./reminder add <message> <time>
reminder listShows a list of all your reminders./reminder list
reminder removeDeletes a reminder./reminder remove <reminder_id>
sticker-addAdds a sticker to the server./sticker-add <name> <emoji|image>
dashboardDisplays the link to the server dashboard./dashboard